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Results 1 - 10 of 383 for wuxi. (0.33 seconds)

WuXi Pharmatech released its second...
Rumors Resurface at Bio-Forum 2007 Outsourcing...
Company Will Raise $200 Million -- WuXi...
Company Seeks $715 Million Valuation -- As we reported...
Second Quarter Revenue Lower Than First Quarter...
Stock Opens 30% Higher WuXi...
Second Quarter Reports Are Solid Last week saw the very...
WuXi PharmaTech, the very successful...
WuXi PharmaTech, the Shanghai CRO that...
WuXi PharmaTech will pay $151 million to...
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ChinaBio® News

Greg Scott BIO-Europe Interview
Greg Scott Interviewed at BIO-Europe Spring

How to bring your China assets to China in 8 minutes

Greg Scott Mendelspod Interview
"Mr. Bio in China."
Mendelspod Interview

Multinational pharma held to a higher standard in China

Partner Event
November 2-3, 2023 | Shanghai
November 7-8, 2023 | Digital